Material: PVC
Number of panes: 3
Number of gaskets: 3
Uf: 1.0
Ug: 0.5
Uw: 0.73
We recommend Veka Softline 82 profile to all investors who look for durable and solid windows. This can be a good suggestion when the tender needs to meet specific requirements, e.g. regarding profile thickness or specific thermal insulation Uw = 0.73.
You can learn more about this product from our main website
Countries in Europe
- for orders over EUR 199, delivery costs are free
- for orders up to EUR 198, delivery costs are EUR 9
- for orders over EUR 199, delivery costs are free
- for orders up to EUR 198, delivery costs are EUR 99
2 working days - countries in EU, 3 working days - UK,
4-3 working days - US